
EPJ Photovoltaics Now available on ePUB format! (February 2015)

EDP Sciences is pleased to announce the introduction of the ePUB digital format for all EPJ Photovoltaics articles.

We have extended our existing suite of publication formats (PDF, HTML) to include ePUB, offering a range of formats to suit our readers varying needs.

ePUB is a format used for digital documents, it will allow scientific articles to be read on most of specialized eReaders and tablets.

The ePUB version will allow to download scientific texts and to read them very easily in an offline environment. ePUB adapts to suit different screen sizes, making for optimum text display and greater reading comfort.

New EPJ portal (November 2012)

EPJ portal

EDP Sciences is pleased to present the new EPJ portal aggregating the latest editorial and scientific news from all of the "European Physical Journal" sections and the archives of predecessor journals.

The homepage presents the latest news and an overview of all the sections.

Articles are available either directly from the search engine, or within each section page from tabbed articles lists: most recent articles, most downloaded articles, all issues, and virtual issues gathering articles by topics or focus points.

For some journals (i.e. EPJE) tables of contents and article abstracts include a graphical abstract illustrating the article.

Access to the full text articles is provided by the publishers of the sections on their own publishing platforms.

Last but not least, a new search tool, including predecessor journals as archives, has been set up allowing facet search on the whole EPJ corpus.

Technically, this portal is hosted on the web-based publishing platform Vision4Press of EDP Sciences.

Pere Roca y Cabarrocas, Editor-in-chef of EPJ Photovoltaics has received the 2011 CNRS silver medal.

Pere Roca y Cabarrocas, Editor-in-chef of EPJ Photovoltaics has received the 2011 CNRS silver medal. © Photothèque École Polytechnique,PH . Lavialle

Pere Roca y Cabarrocas is a teacher-researcher at the Physic and Thin Interface Layersau Laboratory (PICM) (École Polytechnique/ CNRS). His research aims to Nanostructured materials for PV and Optoelectronics.

The CNRS silver medal honors a researcher for the originality, the quality and the importance of his works, nationally and worldly recognized.

EPJ Photovoltaics indexed in CAS (june 2012)

EPJ Photovoltaics is now indexed in the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) database.

Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) monitors, indexes, and abstracts the world's chemistry-related literature and patents. These databases offer many scientific disciplines, including biomedical sciences, chemistry, engineering, materials science, and more.

RSS feed available (August 2011)

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a XML-based format dedicated to website syndication. RSS allows readers to get new titles delivered directly to their desktops, using either the Internet browser or a RSS Reader.

EDP Sciences now provides RSS feeds of the latest articles published online by journal, including title, authors and links to relevant abstract and full-text version.

RSS feed: Image PV Direct recents articles

Read more about RSS feed.