Open Access Power change in amorphous silicon technology by low temperature annealing Ankit Mittal, Marcus Rennhofer, Angelika Dangel, Bogdan Duman and Victor Schlosser Published online: 10 July 2015 DOI: AbstractFull HTMLPDF (436.4 KB)ePUB (1.179 MB)References
Open Access Impact of deposition parameters on the material quality of SPC poly-Si thin films using high-rate PECVD of a-Si:H Avishek Kumar, Per Ingemar Widenborg, Goutam Kumar Dalapati, Gomathy Sandhya Subramanian and Armin Gerhard Aberle Published online: 27 May 2015 DOI: AbstractFull HTMLPDF (1.700 MB)ePUB (1.498 MB)References
Open Access Comparison of silicon oxide and silicon carbide absorber materials in silicon thin-film solar cells Cordula Walder, Martin Kellermann, Elke Wendler, Jura Rensberg, Karsten von Maydell and Carsten Agert Published online: 23 February 2015 DOI: AbstractFull HTMLPDF (1.354 MB)ePUB (1.349 MB)References
Open Access Effects of process parameters on μc - Si1 − XGeX:H solar cells performance and material properties Nies Reininghaus, Martin Kellermann, Karsten von Maydell and Carsten Agert Published online: 23 February 2015 DOI: AbstractFull HTMLPDF (970.1 KB)ePUB (1.193 MB)References