Table 1

Sustainable encapsulant material candidates for PV module construction.

# Material description Sustainable feature Pros and Cons
1 Blend of vinylacetat/vinyl laurat copolymer, polyvinyl acetate and polylactic acid (PLA#1)* Bio-based, Bio-degradable Pros: suitable optical properties, good adhesion to glass
Cons: too rigid, bad adhesion to backsheet
2 Bio-based EVA* Bio-based Pros: nearly same properties as oil-based EVA
Cons: higher cost, somewhat lower transmittance, additives necessary
Material procurement difficult, not part of this study
3 EVA with bio-degradable additive* Bio-degradable Pros: nearly same properties as oil-based EVA
Cons: somewhat lower transmittance, additive performance not guaranteed
Combination with standard EVA Masterbatch (Ref2)
4 PLA#0 Bio-degradable Poor adhesion to glass and therefore not taken into account
5 Polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT) Bio-based, bio-degradable Pros: suitable mechanical properties
Cons: low transmittance

Self-extruded at Fraunhofer IMWS.

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