Table 1

Wavelengths of line and band transitions of electronically excited atoms, radicals and molecules detected by OES during a-Si:H/μc-Si:H deposition and Ar/NF3 plasma chamber cleaning.

Species Transition Wavelength

Si 3s23p21D 2 − s23p4s1P° 1 288.3 nm
SiH X2Π – A2Δ band 409−422 nm
H n = 3 − n = 2 (“Balmer Hα”) 656.3 nm
H n = 4 − n = 2 (“Balmer Hβ”) 486.1 nm
H2 2 band (“Fulcher-α”) 570−640 nm
F 2s22p4(3P)3s2P 703.7 nm
Ar 3s23p4(3P)4s2P P)4p2 496.5 nm

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