Issue |
EPJ Photovolt.
Volume 14, 2023
Special Issue on ‘WCPEC-8: State of the Art and Developments in Photovoltaics’, edited by Alessandra Scognamiglio, Robert Kenny, Shuzi Hayase and Arno Smets
Article Number | 7 | |
Number of page(s) | 9 | |
Section | Modelling | |
DOI | | |
Published online | 07 February 2023 |
Regular Article
Every cell needs a beautiful image: on-the-fly contacting measurements for high-throughput production
Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Heidenhofstraße 2, 79110 Freiburg, Germany
halm Eletronik Gmbh, Friesstraße 20, 60388 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
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Received in final form:
Published online: 7 February 2023
The future of the energy transition will lead to a terrawatt-scale photovoltaic market, which can be served cost-effectively primarily by means of high-throughput production of solar cells. In addition to high-throughput production, characterization must be adapted to highest cycle times. Therefore, we present an innovative approach to detect image defects in solar cells using on-the-fly electroluminescence measurements. When a solar cell passes a standard current–voltage (I–V) unit, the cell is stopped, contacted, measured, released, and afterwards again accelerated. In contrast to this, contacting and measuring the sample on-the-fly saves a lot of time. Yet, the resulting images are blurred due to high-speed motion. For the development of such an on-the-fly contact measurement tool, a deblurring method is developed in this work. Our deep-learning-based deblurring model enables to present a clean EL image of the solar cell to the human operator and allows for a proper defect detection, reaching a correlation coefficient of 0.84.
Key words: Photovoltaics / characterization / deep learning / generative adversarial networks / synthetic data
© L. Kurumundayil et al., Published by EDP Sciences, 2023
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