Table 1

PV module datasheet specifications of the three module types used. Repeated module types are deployed side by side and are measured and modelled separately. Module A1 is made monofacial by applying a rubber cover on the back side.

Module name RSM120-8-BMDG EG-M72-HL/BF-DG EG-M60-HU/BF-DG
Deployment start Sep-21 Apr-23 Apr-23
Channel A1(monof.), A2 B1, B2, B3 C1, C2, C3
Pmp [Wp] 595 545 600
Isc [A] 18.43 13.63 18.40
Imp [A] 17.15 12.88 17.35
Vmp [V] 34.70 42.32 34.59
Voc [V] 41.25 50.12 41.69
Bifaciality [%] 70 70 70
Efficiency [%] 21.00 21.09 21.20
αsc [mA/K] 7.37 6.12 7.34
Cell count 60 × 2 72 × 2 60 × 2
Cell size M12 M10 M12
Dimensions [mm] 2172 × 1303 2285 × 1134 2172 × 1303

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