Open Access

Table 4

Solar Irradiance Data at Larache (Lat. 35.1932° N, Long. −6.1557° W, Alt. 39 m) based on PVGIS.

Time (UTC) Global irradiance G(i) (W/m2) Direct irradiance Gb(i) (W/m2) Diffuse irradiance Gd(i) (W/m2)
0:00 0 0 0
1:00 0 0 0
2:00 0 0 0
3:00 0 0 0
4:00 0 0 0
5:00 0 0 0
6:00 53 0 52
7:00 177 70 102
8:00 359 204 147
9:00 538 344 183
10:00 688 472 203
11:00 819 585 219
12:00 883 646 220
13:00 872 627 229
14:00 813 592 205
15:00 675 481 180
16:00 488 323 154
17:00 285 160 118
18:00 95 22 69
19:00 22 0 22
20:00 0 0 0
21:00 0 0 0
22:00 0 0 0
23:00 0 0 0

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