Table 1
FPV gains reported in literature along with theory justifying the enhancement. (∗E = Experimental, S = Simulation, X = Estimation).
System and technique∗ | Gain (%) | Supported theory | Comments |
FPV [29], E. | 2.24% power, 0.79% η |
NA | 8-hour experiment. |
FPV [39], S. | 1.58–2%. | 2 and 3. | NA |
FPV [22], X. | 20–25%. | NA. | Claim from the developers of a plant in Bubano, Italy. |
FPV [40], E. | 7.6%, 13.5% and 10.3%. |
NA. | For systems of 2.4kW, 100kW and 500kW respectively. |
FPV [26], E. | 3% power | 1. | Five-month experiment. |
FPV [41], E. | 2.48%. | NA. | Gain is the annual average. |
FPV [42], E. | 2.33%. | 3. | NA |
FPV [43], E. | 13.5%. | NA. | NA |
FPV [34], E. | 11%. | NA. | NA |
FPV [20], E. | 9.52−14.5%. | NA. | Four−day experiment. |
FPV [44], E. | 3 and 6%. | 2 and 3. | The 3% gain is for the Netherlands and 6% for Singapore. |
FPV [45], E. | 0.11–0.61%. | NA. | NA |
FPV [16], E. | 31.29% power. |
2. | NA |
FPV [15], S. | 12.96–18%. | 2 and 3. | The reported gain is annual. |
FPV[46], S. | 18%. | NA. | NA |
FPV [33], E. | 10.2%. | 1 and 3. | NA |
FPV [13], E. | 10%. | 1 and 2. | NA |
FPV [47], E. | 0.3%. | NA. | NA |
FPV [47], S. | 2.67%. | NA. | NA |
FPV [48], X. | 1.8%. | NA. | Estimated efficiency gain due to 4∘C temperature difference. |
FPV [49], S. | 7.5%. | 1. | NA |
FPV [50], S. | 0.31–0.46% for design 1, 1.81–2.59% for design 2. |
NA. | Design 1 refers to large foot- print design. Design 2 refers to a small footprint design that experiences better ventilation. |
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