Table 3

Electrical parameters for the 10 PV laminates with different color/pattern coatings. measured by I-V characterization at 1000 W/m2. for four different incidence angles.

PV Module Incidence Angle (°) Pmax (W) Isc (A) Voc (V) Impp (A) Vmpp (V) FF (%) PV Module Incidence Angle (°) Pmax(W) Isc (A) Voc (V) Impp (A) Vmpp
FF (%)
5.14 10.7 0.670 9.97 0.515 71.6 RAL7000 Dotted
“Grey dots”
4.34 8.64 0.673 8.10 0.535 74.5
20° 4.94 10.2 0.669 9.54 0.517 72.3 20° 4.14 8.23 0.672 7.72 0.536 74.8
45° 4.10 8.34 0.663 7.83 0.523 74.1 45° 3.33 6.58 0.666 6.18 0.539 76.1
70° 2.58 5.15 0.650 4.86 0.531 77.1 70° 2.12 4.18 0.654 3.93 0.541 77.8
RAL9018 Linear
“White lines”
4.80 9.66 0.673 9.07 0.529 73.8 RAL7000 100%
“Grey full”
3.36 6.66 0.664 6.28 0.536 76.1
20° 4.60 9.23 0.672 8.66 0.531 74.1 20° 3.21 6.33 0.662 5.96 0.538 76.5
45° 3.78 7.52 0.666 7.07 0.535 75.5 45° 2.58 5.07 0.656 4.78 0.539 77.4
70° 2.40 4.72 0.653 4.45 0.538 77.7 70° 1.66 3.28 0.646 3.09 0.538 78.5
RAL9018 Squared
“White Squares”
4.70 9.50 0.672 8.90 0.528 73.6 RAL6010 Dotted
“Green dots”
4.00 8.01 0.669 7.52 0.533 74.8
20° 4.51 9.08 0.671 8.51 0.530 74.0 20° 3.82 7.62 0.667 7.16 0.534 75.2
45° 3.72 7.42 0.665 6.98 0.533 75.4 45° 2.98 5.89 0.661 5.55 0.537 76.6
70° 2.32 4.59 0.652 4.33 0.537 77.6 70° 2.05 4.04 0.651 3.82 0.538 78.0
RAL9018 Dotted
“White dots”
4.70 9.54 0.665 8.97 0.524 74.0 RAL6010 100%
“Green full”
2.54 4.96 0.658 4.68 0.541 77.7
20° 4.48 9.08 0.664 8.54 0.525 74.4 20° 2.40 4.69 0.657 4.43 0.542 77.9
45° 3.66 7.35 0.657 6.92 0.529 75.8 45° 2.00 3.92 0.653 3.70 0.542 78.4
70° 2.31 4.59 0.644 4.34 0.532 78.0 70° 1.40 2.74 0.648 2.59 0.539 78.6
RAL9018 100%
“White full”
3.98 8.00 0.667 7.52 0.530 74.6 Grey Parsol
“Tint Parsol”
3.30 6.65 0.664 6.24 0.528 74.7
20° 3.79 7.61 0.666 7.14 0.531 74.9 20° 3.13 6.31 0.662 5.93 0.528 75.0
45° 3.10 6.17 0.660 5.81 0.534 76.2 45° 2.49 4.97 0.656 4.67 0.533 76.4
70° 1.97 3.90 0.648 3.68 0.535 78.0 70° 1.57 3.11 0.645 2.94 0.533 78.02

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