EPJ Photovoltaics now indexed in Ei Compendex

We are pleased to announce that EPJ Photovoltaics is now indexed in the Ei Compendex , joining over 3,600 high-quality peer-reviewed journals. These journals cover a vast number of areas, such as, materials science, applied physics and optics, and instrumentation and nanotechnology.

“Ei Compendex is the broadest and most complete engineering literature database available in the world. It provides a truly holistic and global view of peer-reviewed and indexed publications with over 20 million records from 77 countries across 190 engineering disciplines.” ( Ei Compendex) Ei Compendex therefore provides reliable, high-quality information to engineering students and professionals.

“A new journal indexation is always something to be celebrated” commented Ariana Fuga, Senior Publishing Editor. “We are very proud that the hard work of our editors, reviewers, and authors is getting the recognition it deserves.”

EPJ Photovoltaics is an open access journal which publishes original, peer-reviewed papers focused in the field of photovoltaic solar energy conversion. It is a key journal in EDP Sciences’ portfolio of Materials Science, Engineering and Technology journals.