Table 2

Estimated nighttime performance of AWG systems by direct cooling at different desert locations of the World where large-scale solar PV power plants are located. Meteorological data were obtained from ERA5 for the year 2022 [18].

Country – nearest solar park (SP) [20] Avg temp Avg specific humidity Avg n-MHI Annual operating night hrs Energy req.
  (°C) (gw/kga) (−) (%) (kWh/L)
Morocco − Noor Boujdour SP 18.32 11.12 0.49 96.31 0.31
UAE − MBR SP, Dubai 26.08 12.76 0.43 84.95 0.45
India- Bhadla SP, Rajasthan 26.2 12.57 0.40 69.67 0.58
China − Tengger SP, Ningxia 18.02 8.29 0.36 65.99 0.68
USA − Moss SP, Arizona 20.76 8.59 0.34 61.52 0.67
Namibia − Omaruru SP, Omaruru 19.26 8.65 0.34 56.07 0.94
Australia −Powell Creek SP, N.Territory 29.03 10.03 0.27 43.96 1.07
Chile − Llano De Llampos SP, Atacama 17.88 6.31 0.22 15.77 1.29

n-MHI were calculated under the assumption that the AWGPV panel is set at 4 °C for the whole night. Favorable night hours were calculated by considering the number of night hours >0.3. Energy Requirements were calculated assuming COP = 5 during the night operation for 1 yr.

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