Open Access

Table 2

Detailed balance-limiting power density and standard efficiency of series-connected 2J and 5J TPV cells irradiated by a 2400 °C emitter.

junctions Eg Jsc Voc Vm Jm Pout Pinc ηstandard 0.75ηstandard
TPV cell eV A cm−2 V V A cm−2 W cm−2 W cm−2 % %
2J 1.4 2.20 1.249 1.148 2.152        
  1.2 2.22 1.057 0.961 2.162        
        sum Vm min Jm Jm × Vm   Pout / Pinc  
        2.109 2.152 4.54 29.1 15.6 11.7
5J 1.04 6.90 0.935 0.842 6.696        
  0.78 6.90 0.692 0.607 6.620        
  0.62 6.90 0.537 0.458 6.533        
  0.48 6.90 0.415 0.342 6.418        
  0.36 7.10 0.308 0.242 6.419        
        sum Vm min Jm Jm × Vm   Pout / Pinc  
        2.491 6.418 15.99 29.1 54.9 41.2

Modeling parameters: Pinc = 29.1 W cm−2, Temitter = 2400 °C, Tcell = 25 °C, λrange = 0.1−4.5 µm, εemitter = 0.335 (all λ), Ωsolid angle = 1 sr

Eg is bandgap energy, Jsc is short circuit current density, Voc is open circuit voltage, Vm is max power point voltage, Jm is max power point current density.

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